Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Monday Run, Tuesday Rest

So Monday night (last night) I went running. I was only planning on running 2.5 to 3 miles. But when 2.5 miles came, I kept going. When 3 miles came, I kept going. When 3.5 miles came, I kept going.

In fact I kept going to the point where I ran 4.8 miles... my second longest run ever. I actually felt fine, except for my hip flexors and glutes. They were feeling really strained by the end of my run. Obviously they aren't in shape for running that far yet. but the only way to get them into that kind of shape is to run that far.

Afterward, I felt good. I was tired, obviously, but I didn't feel like I was beat up like when I ran 4miles two Saturdays ago.

This morning when I woke up, I was definitely sore. My calves and butt especially. The funny thing is, though, that I enjoy that feeling. It let's me know I'm doing the right thing.

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