Monday, January 14, 2008

Monday Run

I ran three miles tonight when I got home from work. I was able to keep a faster pace than I've ever had before during a three mile run, and that's including a treadmill. It actually didn't feel very hard. My mind was occupied with some other thoughts for most of it, so that definitely helped.

When I got to that 2.5 miles mark, I thought I was going to stop. I didn't want to over-train, considering I had a 12 mile week for the first time ever last week. But to get to the 2.5 mile mark I set for myself, I would have had to cross the street. Cars were coming and I didn't feel like getting hit, so I continued on. Once I decided to continue, I was fine for the last half mile.

The final tenth of a mile, I ran faster. It wasn't a full out sprint, but close. It felt really good when I stopped and walked the rest of the way to my house.

One thing I noticed was that my biceps were pretty sore. I think this is from my run on Saturday. I kept my arms at 90 degrees for so long and they aren't used to that. I stretched them out often, but the the soreness is worse now than it was before my run. Oh well, that's life.

At this point, I think my only problem is my diet. I'm eating to much carby food. That's a good thing for running, but I have a tendency to eat too much sometimes. I've been eating a lot of white pasta lately, something I'm not into usually, so I think I'll cut that out. I'm going to eat more oatmeal and brown rice for my carbs. I eat tons of fruit, so that's no big deal. For example, today I had a total of three bananas, two oranges, an apple, and a ton of carrots.

So more oatmeal, brown rice, green leafy veggies, and more beans.

Sounds like a plan!

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