Sunday, January 13, 2008

An "Off" Off Day

After running four miles for only the second time in my life, my body has felt off since last night.

Before I fell asleep, I was up for a while. I just laid in bed waiting to fall asleep. I should have gotten up and read. It wasn't like I ran right before bed. I got back from my run before 6:00 pm and didn't go to bed until close to 11:00 pm. When I finally did fall asleep, I had crazy dreams and woke up numerous times during the night.

When I woke up, I felt okay, but about an hour later, I started feeling nauseous. At one point I thought I was going to throw up. I realized that I was actually super hungry. I ate a banana, an apple, and three pieces of toast with peanut butter. I felt better, but started getting hungry again an hour later. It wasn't until after church that I ate a dilly bar. Not the best choice, but I was starving and we were at January's grandparents' house. The kids were each eating one, and like I said, I was ravenous.

I figured out finally that my body just needed a ton of food today to feel better. Apparently, I used up much more energy to run four miles than I usually do for 2.5 to three miles.

For lunch I had a whole can of black beans, and Ezekiel tortilla, and two eggs. I was still hungry, as were the kids, so I cooked some more eggs and had an egg burrito with another Ezekiel tortilla. I felt better, but started getting hungry about an hour later again. I haven't eaten yet, but I thought I would jot down my feelings today.

Basically, my run yesterday really forced me to refuel even more than I normally would. It wasn't something I expected before, but I will from now on.

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