Saturday, March 22, 2008

Holy Moly! 7 miles This Morning!

Wow! I ran 7 miles this morning. It's kind of hard to believe I did that, but I did. I have to say I felt really good the whole run except for the last mile. That was just plain hard. When I finished and cooled down with a short walk, I really felt like I had been hit by a bus. Sheesh!

My Route

I ran up Campo Bello to 20th Street, headed north to Grovers, and then went west to 7th street. I ran back up to 20th street, turned around and went back to 7th street, before coming back. Then I ran back down 20th street to Campo Bello and home.

It was kind of interesting... when I would run toward 7th Street, I felt on top of the world and almost like I could run forever. But when I would turn around and head back in the direction of home, it felt harder.

I think this could have something to do subconsciously with me feeling like my run is almost over and the end is in sight, even thought it's not. I'm not sure why that would be. Another thing was that when I ran west, the sun was to my back and I was in the shade periodically. Heading east, I wasn't in the shade and the sun was beating down on my face and chest.

On my second go-around toward 7th Street, I was feeling like I could push it to 8 miles today. But on my way back, especially on my last mile, that was just not going to happen. I was really laboring to finish.

I took my squeeze bottle with me and filled it up with some Vitamin Water. That stuff is filled with sugar, but that's a good thing when you're running for a long time. It really helped me with my energy, so that's good.

All in all, I was running for about an hour and fifteen minutes to an hour and twenty. It felt great to accomplish that, but man I've been feeling it since. Not so much that my legs and feet hurt, but just my body overall. I can tell I really pushed myself.

Another interesting thing was that the whole time I ran, I felt fantastic. The instant I stopped, and this is no joke, my allergies flared up. I was sneezing and my nose tickled like crazy. Obviously running suppressed that for a while.

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