Friday, March 28, 2008

Thursday Run Results on Friday Morning

The last two weeks, I haven't been that great at getting my Tuesday runs in. This week has been crazy with our van's transmission crapping out on us and all, but that shouldn't be an excuse.

Anyway, I ran 4 miles yesterday. I have to say that after running 7 miles on Saturday, 4 miles felt relatively easy. Getting up at 5 am to do it wasn't easy, but who cares. I didn't have to push myself at all and just kind of lost myself in my thoughts, which was nice. In fact, my run felt very relaxing and therapeutic.

I will say I started getting that felling in the back of my left knee where I had that Baker's cyst a year and a half ago, but it went away toward the end of the run, so I'm not going to pay it any attention.

Before work yesterday, I went to Dr. Force's office for the AK class he teaches his associate doctors. I volunteered to be the guinea pig for thoracic adjusting techniques. I'm glad I did. Dr. Force adjusted my 1st rib, T1-2, and T7. I felt great the rest of the day and I'm looking forward to seeing how that rib adjustment works for me on my run tomorrow. Everytime I run, I'm constantly out of breath and I'm always having to catch that last little breath of air in my lungs. It get pretty old sometimes. But that rib adjustment should really help.

Another doctor that was there taught me to stimulate my lymphatics by rubbing really hard at the area where the deltoids and pecs meet, as well as up and down alongside the sternum. He also showed me this place on the top of my head where I can rub very slightly to stimulate more relaxed blood flow to my lungs. Needless to say, I will be trying all this when I run tomorrow.

I'm shooting for an 8-miler tomorrow, so we shall see how that goes. I might have to go a different route... The route I've been going is getting pretty bland and shabby to look at. I'll have to re-route tonight.

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