Tuesday, April 8, 2008

ITB Syndrome Is No Fun

After last Tuesday's run, I didn't run anymore the whole week. That was due mainly to wanting to rest my legs because of the ITB syndrome I've been getting.

So I ran this morning, thinking that everything would be fine. After about a mile, though, It started coming back. I would turn to my side to do a side-skipping motion, mainly to change up the angle to my legs during the run. That was okay.

I ran up the hill along Union Hills and when I ran down, I increased my speed to nearly a sprint. That actually helped my left knee feel better. Unfortunately, my body can't keep up that pace for 3-4 miles.

After about 2 miles, I had to call it quits because the pain was getting stronger and I didn't feel like putting up with it. Ironically, the mile I walked to get back home was painful toward the end.

I'll just have to figure this out. Structurally, I know I need some adjustments for my pelvis. I probably need to stretch more, warm-up more, etc. I'll figure it out, though.

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