Monday, April 28, 2008

Crazy Few Weeks

It's been hard keeping up with this the past few weeks. Mainly because we moved back to the Dallas area so I can finish chiropractic school. Cross-country moves aren't the most relaxing things around, and journaling about my runs can fall by the waist-side.

I didn't have the chance to run too much due to some ITB issues... again, but I did run some among the chaos of getting ready for the move. I just don't remember which days or how far.

I do remember running 3 miles two days in a row. The first day my ITB starting hurting during the last mile, but the 2nd day in a row, it was fine. That told me that the more frequently I run, maybe, possibly, my ITB will react positively to that. We'll see.

I did run in Hurricane, UT when we went to visit Ryan and Staci last week. I ran from Staci's mom's house south to the highway, then took that west to 600 W and headed south. I headed east on some street and weaved my way in and out of neighborhoods to get to their house. I think it was around 4 miles, but I'm not sure. I never measured it.

One thing's for sure- my knee was killing me when I finished that run. Not enough stretching I guess. I really have to get this thing figured out, because I love running.

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